
By Matthias Grieder

  • Go to read: Next time. Next time we will do it right.

    Next time. Next time we will do it right.

    November 8th, 2020

    Imagine a product manager calls in a design team to create something new. Nowadays the team would say: ”Fantastic – let’s start with finding out what users really care of and need.“ The product manager will answer: „Great, how long will that take.“ ”Preparing the research takes one week. Second week observing and gathering all input. Destill findlings, another week. So about 3 weeks.“ This estimation mostly leads to a ”Sorry. We do not have the time or budget for this. I think you are right to understand the customer. But we are already behind schedule.“


  • Go to read: I pay. I have the control.

    I pay. I have the control.

    November 1st, 2020

    Quite human nowdays, right? You buy something which means you own and control it. This common understanding leads us to a problem, when it comes to creating a design system. You question why?

  • Go to read: Design only takes a lot of time?

    Design only takes a lot of time?

    November 1st, 2020

    Your schedules are tight. You cannot rely on confused creatives to implement your products. Understandable concern. Do you know the “90–90 rule”? Software development time is often much longer than planned.
